Photography Doesn't Have To Be Hard. Read These 6 Tips

is that a bid Lee it's driving a piddly oh hi I didn't see you there it's Lucy and Phillip Wellington here with the widest magazine ever we'll be going through this later in the show if you want peace of mind by private Internet access if you go to our website or if you just click on the link in the description there's a way to get private Internet access for a whopping ly low . since a month anyway that's what I use myself they didn't pay us for this advertisement but we get a few pennies every time you guys join probably min Internet access it hi Jo ass online spying eyes can't see what you're doing Comcast basically just sees a whole bunch of nothing they just like well there's data it can help speed up some of your connections and you can have your own private internet with private internet Oh somebody's okay there's a lot of controversy going on right now about Facebook because they've tried to crack down on fake news and garbage sources of news and they've tried to create algorithms to you know filter out news that's not factual but at the same time they wouldn't get rid of info wars which I mean anybody out there with if you guys like info wars and you're watching our channel I'm sorry but you're crazy you're freaking ridiculous because there's not a child slave colony on Mars NASA doesn't have one of those there's not concentration camps in in Georgia probably so all the stuffs not Hitler not alive probably probably not alive his brain isn't a shark you heard it here first Hitler's brain is in a strike anyway Facebook has been defending their decision to not get rid of that page not get rid of the info wars page basically saying that they want to protect free speech and they want to make sure that there is room for all sorts of opinions and analyses lots of opinion analysis and I got to say Facebook is not a news website they're not a fact their website based on facts their website where people go on there and share Infowars articles and if you're using Facebook as a source of news or as a place to share your your nonsense about you know vaccinations and how they cause autism then you're part of the problem you should get off Facebook and stop thinking about it as news problems in society is that we've have all of our content filter to us through two or three tiny channels Facebook Twitter Google [ underwater fishing camera amazon ] that's pretty much the internet for most people AT&T; they've purchased Warner media and Warner media owned HBO and people are pretty worried including me I'm pretty worried about what's gonna happen to HBO HBO has a very simple business model they charge like fifteen bucks a month or whatever and then they bring you movies and then they create their own very high quality TV shows and they do not flood the market with too many shows at one time they usually have a few a few going at once they are really good I don't think Netflix has come anywhere close to the quality of HBO and that is an opinion but if you're on Facebook it's in fact so what AT&T; is planning on doing is ramping up production they want more and more and more hours to compete with the likes of Netflix and they want to compete with Amazon who are both spending billions and billions of dollars netflix spins about five to six times as much money every year on content when you compare that to HBO and HBO spends a lot of money because they've got really expensive shows like Game of Thrones and stuff so if AT&T; is gonna force them to crank out lots and lots of content what is their in-game here do they want lots and lots of content for maybe their own platform that would compete with Netflix they certainly have a big enough library and if they start pulling other content from Netflix I know there's not a lot of it on Netflix right now you can't really get to your HBO shows on Netflix but if they were to create a bigger web presence they could be you know thinking about creating an alternative to Netflix using all their own stuff that would push HBO to probably make some lower quality stuff so let's just hope that it doesn't go downhill and HBO you have people at HBO I'm sorry if it hurts anyway there's a couple articles here you guys can read all the details about what's gonna go on but you know HBO now could turn into something different in my opinion something different and bigger walmartians I've got some rough news for you guys when you're in the store eavesdropping is gonna be a thing so Walmart has decided to patent a new technology well it's not really a new technology but they say it's a new technology to monitor the sounds that are happening at the register and in the patent the patent they were like where we're gonna listen for clicks and beeps and stuff like that and also conversations we can also hear conversations but mostly just the clicks and beeps because then we can we can tell how fast the bagger is putting things into the bag and all that stuff so it's all for the customer experience to help things move better and we're smoothly and nicer walmartians listen when you go into those stores they can hear what you're saying at the register so have a little bit of fun with that have a lot of fun with that but if you work at Walmart I am really sorry because they're gonna be listening to you too and that always has a chilling effect because you're not gonna be bad-mouthing your boss and they also find in studies that when you are being monitored you work slower because you're worried and you're looking over your shoulder and you're making sure you do everything right sometimes you end up making more mistakes that way Walmart's is a bad idea but this is sort of the future that we're looking for forward to but not looking forward to it's the future that you look forward and see but we're not we're not looking forward to it but we are looking forward to see it know we know we don't want it we don't we're not looking we're heading towards it but we're not looking forward to it oh yeah the department of energy technology over in norway has created a new silicon silicon anode I believe yes silicon anode and what this is gonna do is basically allow them to create batteries with three to five times the battery life of the traditional lithium-ion batteries like you have here that means the devices like this is gonna be able to last three to five times longer they're finishing the patent right now and then they're gonna figure out manufacturing we could probably do things in a few years and there was much rejoicing these glasses were all over Europe today so these glasses here are pretty ridiculous looking and I want to know from the audience if you would wear these things now here's what they do one in three people get motion sickness while on a moving object like a train or a car or something like that while they're on that and reading using their tablet smartphone or something like that's because you're you're looking at this and you're your eyes look at it and they go okay this is stationary nothing is moving and your ear goes don't spit the horizons all over the place we're moving we're moving and then it tells your stomach hey we're moving and then your eyes tell your stomach no we're not moving and you're something good but these glasses what they do is they create a false horizon by putting some blue fluid here you see this blue water and some blue fluid here dunk that in the blue water and as you move and you're looking down the blue fluid let me just show you the blog so you can see what I'm talking about here is blue wat every one now but the blue fluid moves around inside there there it is look at that and it % of time it will fix motion sickness probably gonna create fashion sickness for those around you how could people in France make something so ugly would you guys wear this if it fixes your motion sickness so you can read while you're on the train is that is that really important to you I mean I can't imagine like having to take a long train ride across Europe and not being able to read a book or something like what are you gonna do sit there and listen to music now one of the things the article said was like guaranteed to give you your own private row it's probably true alright let's go see what game Justin's playing he playing some games you know about the man so let me show you the graphic called it the graphics qualities are low medium and mythic the thing about this game is it's really neat if you're looking for like an educational tour of something like it's all done in the in the art style and stuff but so far for me the game has moved very slowly like what just happened here you could so the main option of this is switching between like your death viewing the world of dead in spirits and then not so it's all about switching back and forth between these things and trying to solve these quick little puzzles with it while learning about this is the you know the permian Animal Society and all this other mythic stuff like I was born the shaman of pepsin pretty cool I mean subject matter in my opinion yeah it's so yeah it's it's very it like if you're looking for a game that's got like a lot that's got a lot of really cool depth to it in terms like what you're learning about this is really good but if you're looking for like action out of it you're not going to like to the point that you can just hit the forward button twice and just it a lot for you you don't run that's as fast as you go right yeah so the game moves very slowly it's permeating him or something yeah it kind of feels like it a stepped-up museum tour almost all right you know like looks like a museum tour with some puzzles yeah so if you're looking for like if you like want gameplay this isn't gonna be the game for you but if you want some like neat puzzle solving with a lot of cool mythos behind it and stuff like that this is gonna be for you but and if you want to smoke and choke yeah if you're just like brah gonna like but like don't you think about the stress that uh pull severe so like as you go you can collect things and it will tell you all this information about things complete with like where they found them in you know these are based off of actual drawings and stuff like that it wouldn't mind signing this for someone to play at school you know yeah absolutely like but it's just the uncultured swine yeah and like these things will tell you like OSHA's the bear like so you learn a lot of cool stuff about this culture it's a pace for our game yeah but it's just not you you got to be in the mood to play a game like this this is not gonna sit down and be like sure we go Oh almost man you know it's you want you got to be in the mood to like chill and learn a little thing cling or to basically all right guys check it out if you like w spend oh yeah oh you brought the departures yes we are gonna totally white out in just a minute well this be as good as the first avatar cartoon that I didn't watch it was good I don't know so in true fashion I'm gonna sit down and immediately voice my opinion Facebook will be / this book loves this already is that avatar the last airbender is one of if not the greatest cartoon that has ever been made that's coming from a die-hard Simpsons Futurama Rick and Morty Rick and Morty fan light at your time yeah easily yes so avatar the last airbender but the head writer from avatar last airbender one of the co-creators of it and he also worked on Futurama Aaron ITA's I can never pronounce his name right it's going to be working on a new show coming up for Netflix called the dragon prince which is going to take place in some fantasy world that involves two princes and an elven assassin that was supposed to come and stop them but now they're not probably to stop some warring lands there's some problem that's bigger than themselves or to stop yeah and somewhere along the way they are going to meet a nickle bull is's cousin yeah that is he looks exactly like it's like Travis bolas or something he has more more head ornaments well you know these younger dragons they're always trying to he has more he has more syrups yeah on his head let's talk about CD Projekt RED for a little bit they said in a recent interview that they are not done with The Witcher series while The Witcher was designed to be a trilogy there they are not gonna just be done with the universe and stuff and they says money yeah obviously because money so they're gonna be revisiting the universe but they said it's not gonna just be like a Witcher it'll be something else it's probably gonna be Gwen - what - no you know what I hope that it is and CD Projekt if you're listening please for the love of God you guys make really polished experiences that have a very strong narrative element and if you are willing to back off on the little bit of the narrative where the characters always say the name like even in the new game you're allowed to make your own character but they always have the same name whether you're male or female they have a gender-neutral name that they're gonna be saying you know orally if you let us name our characters and create a completely unrelated character that maybe isn't a witch or maybe is a Witcher and just let us wander around in your world I'll be very happy yeah speaking of CD Projekt RED like i said we're gonna talk about the for a little while they said that they're gonna set a really high bar for cyberpunk like notion they being their CEO was an atom Kachinsky yes they understand the expectations is put forth on them and they understand the the hype that they've thrown out by you know showing things off at e and stuff like that so they understand what all their expectations are and are going to make sure that they meet or exceed all of those expectations they do a very good job of setting the bio at the bar high I want to put a hidden camera in their office out of all the different Studios out there I would love to see them because I've seen some reports that say that the the people working on the game get a lot of mixed signals from people in charge like one guy I'll come and be like hey add this feature in the next day someone else to be like no no don't add that feature add this feature and make this dialogue this way or make this character this way and so I hear that I hear that it's a bit chaotic behind the scenes and I like to see how that works and how they're able to turn chaos like that if it is that way I don't know because I've just heard you know nonsense on the internet and like dumb Articles online on YouTube from people who have taken bits and pieces from quotes on Twitter and stuff Internet these are all Facebook facts internet opinions yep you know so I've been reading Facebook facts mmm about this and I'd like to see if it's true and I'd like to see how they if it is true I like to see how they take all that chaos and turn it into something that's so polished did they just work themselves to death and you know hammer it out until it's completely an you know a nice finished product I don't know hey one more blockbuster left the last two in Anchorage and Fairbanks something like that in Alaska they've closed mmm God boy more there's one more left leaving one in Bend Oregon yep should we go visit this we might we might have to in like can we go in like like treat it like an unearthing you know like nursing the Mummy's tomb or something like that the last blockbuster here we see in ancient amphitheater where are you ready for another internet opinion Facebook fact yes always blockbuster I'll be missed I miss blockbuster you ready for this yeah okay cuz I was under the impression that blockbuster closed like years ago completely so the fact you sprung this already on me that one exists still all right so here's let me tell you why I missed this and everyone on ready to get ready to be angry about me having a dumb opinion this is gonna be really good this is gonna be so everything coming on my mouth or hell gonna be garbage garbage I kind of missed the experience of going to a blockbuster because right now we have it too easy and we take things for granted we just go to these days just go online and we're like I don't want to watch a movie we're a little up there it is hey I want to watch another movie blue a little oh there it is that's how that's looking up the movie blows bubble sound typing maybe when you went to Blockbuster the thing I miss the most is the inconvenience of it all you had to convince your parents to take you number one or if you're close enough to skateboard then get on your scrape boards cool kids scrape boards and then you get there and you could only take one or two things with you depending on how nice your parents are yeah maybe a blog game maybe and you go through and you look through the forum films and you look through stuff that may have a nipple in it or something like look at the back of this box she's almost showing something maybe my year old ask and can maybe maybe get an education on this stuff no no put that back my parents will be there'll be two eyes they'll be like okay I'm gonna end up with this PG movie okay good good good and you go home and you've got it for three days and that's all you get to watch because you don't have access to anything else but it was it felt like a holy relic you're like this is eat and you had that this feeling of like this is important this is cool and I'm excited but now I'm not excited anymore just put a little bit and watch it so you missed the the dance you missed the the dance disappointment right that is going to a blockbuster right yeah it's kind of a it's kind of a dumb this and it's kind of like people who are addicted to buying things they don't even want what they're buying they just like the transaction and the energy involved feels good yeah and so there's no more excitement and there's no more build-up and I have a nostalgia for that feeling but I don't want to go back to Blockbuster when I sit down and really think about it it's wearing this jacket in the heat what's wrong with me why did you wear a jacket because you can get away with more if you had a suit on you could be an idiot no and everyone be like well he's still respectable yeah if you're wearing like if you dressed like a bum and you're an idiot you're like I'll put that guy in asylum mmm give me sense yeah so anyways some of the most elite hackers on the planet have discovered that there's a secret NES emulator hidden within the GameCube version of animal crossing some almost years later after the game has been released they found out that you can actually emulate a lot of NES files like right through the game and originally you could actually play a couple in game like right through Animal Crossing but they found out that if you have nes rom files saved on your gamecube please stop that so if you have a remember code you can actually load it up and play it through the rom play right on that thing and this is all courtesy of a Animal Crossing hacker the most latest term we have someone out there is like like yeah you know I had kid will crossing probably say more like yes I i hack Animal Crossing I don't know maybe he's the most maybe he's a suave as this dude no one's this swab is that dude look at that SWA that's impossible no one is this swab is Billy Dee Williams who by the way is rumored that he's going to be reprise his role of Lando Calrissian in episode awesome so in this in this time of alternate facts and you know truth and stuff and whatever being able to bend those lines I'm gonna say % Lando Calrissian will be in episode playing Han Solo's ghost just like in shadow of mordor I have the ghost in the Han Solo together yeah I know those ghosts be playing me inside of him maybe I don't know it's gonna be like it no it's gonna be inside race that which he wants to go into spirit mode she'll be able to launch spirit arrows that thing so he's playing the ghost of Han Solo who's inside Rey right yeah and then she's launching spirit right and so sometimes when she goes like to an extremely fast lightsaber attack you'll see like the spirit of Han Solo also being like ah this makes total of played by Billy Dee Williams that's obviously they're gonna do Disney should put us on payroll that's can brilliant to welcome Disney he didn't want to be in this and he didn't say he just said like a while back he said doesn't he should leave my character alone but then and then they were like well how much should we leave your character alone for should we $,, leave him alone and he's like nom should we fifteen million dollars leave him alone and then this announcement came out yeah we're gonna make fun of white people but in just a minute first off you're gonna guys are gonna go buy everything on our store we are sold out of a few things let me know what things you guys want to get back again I know this one is sold out in a few different sizes the god mode shirt yeah the god mode shirt a few other things are sold out so I didn't realize how many things were sold out so thank you guys for that anyways let's make fun of white people yay departures the whitest magazine you know here we are oh yes here we are in in search of a beauty guru recommends that's as far as you're gonna get a beauty guru I'm not letting you go on this is this is the kind of lady that's like from LA and stuff and then it's gonna come back to LA and be like oh my god I had such a spiritual awakening while I was there I might eat Pray Love Tour and like I just can't eat Chipotle anymore because it's just not good for you you know like I just want to put those toxins in my body anymore here we go so this one kind of bothered me like Bali Hai like oh my god I'm on such a Bali Hai right now guys like I just love getting away to Bali for a while you know it's just like really helps you put things in perspective I just want you to voice over to Californians I want to get like just blog footage of Californians talking we don't have you hoist them over your time aways pressures never settle bill by then excludes Mexicans that's enough I can't handle any more of this stuff sure you don't want to take them to take your kids to a place they'll never forget Cabo Cabo yeah how many things are for kids to do in Cabo there's no for them to be able to like skip around in circles and then be like where bar mom it's hot my god and like shmups dream come true these off the mold lives were so much better oh they'll say that when they're seventeen hanging out with their other friends who drive you know fancy cars I can't believe my parents are dragging me to Cabo again so say this Fiji and the motives are both better bye everybody. 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